The Effects of Multiple Sexual Partners and Condoms Use on the Incidence of HIV in Men Having Sex with Men


  • Evi Erlinda Wati Masters Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Rahayu Lubis Masters Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • R. Kintoko Rochadi Masters Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara


Background: HIV has become a problem in the international community. Rapid transmission of HIV becomes a threatfor the entire global community in order to prevent an increasingly widespread. One of the factors that causes HIV is unhealthy sexual behavior. This study aimed to determine the effect of changing partners and condom use on HIV incidence in men having sex with Men (MSM) in the Teladan Health Center in Medan.

Subjects and Method: This was case-control study conducted at Teladan Health Center, in May 2018. A sample of 96 study subjects was selected for this study. The dependent variable was the incidence of HIV. The independent variables were multiple sex partners and condom use. HIV status was obtained from medical record. The other variables were measured by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression.

Results: Multiple sexual partners (OR= 2.93; 95% CI= 1.25 to 6.86; p= 0.022) and absence of condom use (OR= 2.83; 95% CI= 1.23 to 6.52; p= 0.024) increased the risk of HIV among men having sex with men.

Conclusions: The occurrence of HIV in MSM is probably 2.9 times due changing partner actions and 2.8 times due to the inconsistent condom use.

Keywords: HIV, multiple, sexual partners, condom use, men having sex with men



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Firdaus A, Agustin H (2013). Faktor Risiko Kejadian HIV pada Komunitas LSL (Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki) Mitra Yayasan Lantera Minangkabau Sumatera Barat. Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas, 2(2): 94-99.

Silan V, Kant S, Haldar P, Goswami K, Rai SK, Misra P (2013). HIV Risk Behavior Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. North American Journal Of Medical Science, 5(9): 515

UNAIDS (2013). Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Executive summary. Diakses di

Hutapea R (2011). AIDS, PMS dan Perkosaan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Davis KR, Weller SC (1999). The Effectiveness of Condoms in Reducing Heterosexual Transmission of HIV. Family Planning Perspectives. 31(6): 272-279.

Masriadi (2014). Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular. Depok: PT Rajagrafindo Persada.




How to Cite

Wati, E. E., Lubis, R., & Rochadi, R. K. (2018). The Effects of Multiple Sexual Partners and Condoms Use on the Incidence of HIV in Men Having Sex with Men. Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 3(3), 150–154. Retrieved from


