Parental Communication, Peer Role, and the Contextual Effect of School on Safe Sex Behavior among Adolescents in Mojokerto, East Java


  • Feny Lianawati Masters Program on Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Argyo Demartoto Masters Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Rita Benya Adriani School of Health Polytechnics Surakarta




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How to Cite

Lianawati, F., Demartoto, A., & Adriani, R. B. (2018). Parental Communication, Peer Role, and the Contextual Effect of School on Safe Sex Behavior among Adolescents in Mojokerto, East Java. Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 3(2), 94–99. Retrieved from




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