Oral Health Literacy among School Students in Jodhpur City, Rajasthan, India


  • Anahita Ali Maulana Azad University


Background: In India, only 25% community health centers have dentists available, but these in­­fra­structures do not carry adequate instru­ments and other dental materials. This study aimed to examine the level of oral health know­ledge, attitudes and practice behaviors among school stu­dents.

Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Jodhpur City, Ra­jasthan, India.  A total of 684 students of grade 9th & 10th from a private school were selected for this study. The data were collected by semi-structured ques­tion­naire. The data were analyzed using a logistic regression.

Results:  297 (43.42%) participants reported wrong number (32 teeth) of teeth during teenage. 620 (90.64%) participants answered ‘Yes’ that sweet food items, soft drinks and chewing gums are responsible for tooth decay. 377 (55%) students agreed that fluoridated toothpaste helps in prevention of tooth decay. The correct tech­nique of tooth brushing reported by 325 (48%) participants is circular direction and up-down vertical direction by 223 (33%) of them. 621 (90%) said that ‘bleeding gums is the primary sign of bad oral health’. Dentist is the major source of information of 462 (68%) participants. 58 (8.5%) of them used other cleaning aids such as tongue cleaners, chewing gums, 120 (17.5%) did not use any cleaning aid. The regression analysis showed significant association between gender and regular dental visits (p=0.021), once and twice brushing habits daily, (p=0.015, p= 0.020) respectively.

Conclusion: Oral health literacy levels among students were good to fair.

Keywords: oral health behavior, health pro­mo­tion, oral health literacy

Correspondence: Dr. Anahita Ali. Jodhpur School of Public Health, Mau­lana Azad University, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Jodh­pur, Rajasthan, India- 342008. Email: ana­hi­taali1@gmail.com Mobile: +917023830675.

Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020): 114-123


Author Biography

Anahita Ali, Maulana Azad University

Masters in Public Health


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How to Cite

Ali, A. (2020). Oral Health Literacy among School Students in Jodhpur City, Rajasthan, India. Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 5(2), 114–123. Retrieved from https://thejhpb.com/index.php/thejhpb/article/view/197


