The Challenges in the Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study


  • Shamsudeen Ademola Sanni University of Eswatini
  • Neema Rajabu Kampala International University
  • Ali Olugbenga Yusuf Federal University of Lafia.


Background: COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the global space for more than a year, and the world faces a lot of challenges in the battle against the deadly virus. This study highlights funda­mental issues that undermine the fight against the COVID-19pandemic and informs on how government and health authorities might further the cause of pandemic control. This study aimed is to analyze challenges that hinder the battle against the COVID-19pandemic from the viewpoint of the Nigerian Twitter community.

Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study with phenomenological approach, conducted using an online survey through Google Forms with Nigerian Twitter community. A total of 128 informants were selected using a list-based sampling technique. The data was managed, cleaned, organized and analyzed in SPSS, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Notepad.

Results: 40.6% of the informants are in the field of Education, 11.7% are Entrepreneurs, 10.9% are Students, 10.9% are Civil Servants, 9.4% are IT Specialists, while 7.0% are Engineers. Issues that undermines the fight against COVID-19pandemic according to the findings from this study were summarized and classified into five themes, included: 1) Fake News Distort Health Messages on Covid-19, 2) Conspiracy Theories on Covid-19, 3) Mismanagement of COVID-19pandemic, 4) Lack of Government Trust on Covid-19, 5) Lack of Adequate Information on Covid-19.

Conclusion: Findings suggest that these five issues are key in fighting the COVID-19scourge and must be addressed in future pandemic mitigation efforts and control plans.

Keywords: COVID-19, health communication, fake news, pandemic, health messages

Correspondence: Sanni Shamsudeen Ademola. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Eswatini. Private Bag 4, Matsapha Manzini, The Kingdom of Eswatini. Email: Mobile: +26876241155/ 79241155

Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2021), 06(02): 133-143

Author Biographies

Shamsudeen Ademola Sanni, University of Eswatini

Senior LecturerDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Science and Engineering University of EswatiniPrivate Bag 4, Kwaluseni, ManziniEswatini

Neema Rajabu, Kampala International University

LecturerFaculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Ali Olugbenga Yusuf, Federal University of Lafia.

LecturerDepartment of Library and Information Science


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How to Cite

Sanni, S. A., Rajabu, N., & Yusuf, A. O. (2021). The Challenges in the Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 6(2), 133–143. Retrieved from




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