Health Belief Model for the Analysis Factors Affecting Community Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccination Dose II in Oenggae Village, Pantai Baru Subdistrict, Rote Ndao, East Nusa Tenggara


  • Herpri Astince Batukh Faculty of Public Health, Univeristas Nusa Cendana
  • Amelya B. Sir Study Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia
  • Sigit Purnawan Study Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia



Background: Efforts to reduce transmission of COVID-19 by carrying out COVID-19 vaccina­tions. The COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Rote Ndao is 52.92%. Oenggae Village is included in the working area of the Korbafo Health Center which has the lowest dose II COVID-19 vaccination coverage, namely 41.76%. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the Health Belief Model (HBM) theoretical approach and community acceptance of the COVID-19 Dose II vaccination in Oenggae Village, Pantai Baru District, Rote Ndao in 2022.

Subjects and Method: An observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design was conducted in Oenggae Village, Pantai Baru District, Rote Ndao from December 2022 to January 2023. A total of 107 people aged 6->55 years were selected for this study. The dependent variable is people's acceptance of the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination. The independent variables are perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers and cues to act. Data was collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by chi-square test.

Results: Perceived vulnerability is high (OR= 3.91; 95 CI= 1.70 to 9.03; p= 0.002), perceived severity is high (OR= 10.59; 95% CI= 3.27 to 34.25; p< 0.001), perceived benefit is high (OR= 11.27; 95) % CI= 1.33 to 94.94; p= 0.009), perceived inhibition is low (OR= 6.22; 95% CI= 2.21 to 17.46; p= 0.001), and cues to act are high (p= 0.001) statistically significant effect on acceptance of vaccination COVID-19 2nd dose.

Conclusion: Community acceptance of COVID-19 dose II vaccination is related to perceptions of vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived obstacles, and cues to act.


COVID-19, acceptance of vaccination, health belief model, HBM, community


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How to Cite

Batukh, H. A., Sir, A. B., & Purnawan, S. (2024). Health Belief Model for the Analysis Factors Affecting Community Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccination Dose II in Oenggae Village, Pantai Baru Subdistrict, Rote Ndao, East Nusa Tenggara . Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 9(1), 28–37.


