Meta Analysis: Factors Affecting Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents


  • Ihsan Hanif Master's Program of Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Ardiana Mardiah Master's Program of Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Rachmawaddah Yolanda Master's Program of Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Bhisma Murti Master's Program of Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Siti Mar'atul Munawaroh School of Health Sciences Mambaul Ulum, Surakarta, Indonesia



Background: Since alcohol is obtained easily, so it tends to be widely abused. The factors that cause a teenager to consume alcohol are individual factors/individual personality, and envi­ron­mental factors. This study aims to estimate the factors that affect alcohol consumption in adolescents.

Subjects and Method: This study used systematic review and meta-analysis using PICO. Population: adolescents. Interventions: drinking parents, drinking friends, smoking. Comparison: non-drinking parents, non-drinking friends, non-smoking. Result: alcohol consumption. The articles used in this study were derived from 2 databases, namely Google Scholar and Science Direct. The article's keywords were ""teenager" AND "drinking parents" AND "drinking friends" AND "smoke" AND “alcohol consumption". The articles included in this study were full paper articles, cross-sectional study design, publication year ranged from 2019-2023 and the measure of association used was Adjusted Odds Ratio. The articles were analyzed using the Review Manager 5.4 application.

Results: Seven cross-sectional studies showed that drinking friends increased alcohol consumption by 5.09 times compared to non-drinking friends, and the result was statistically significant (aOR=5.09; CI 95%= 2.64 to 9.81; p= 0.001). Seven cross-sectional studies showed that drinking parents increased alcohol consumption by 1.99 times compared to non-drinking parents, and the result was statistically significant (aOR=1.99; CI 95%= 1.50 to 2.64; p= 0.001). Seven cross-sectional studies showed that smoking can increase alcohol consumption by 2.09 times compared to nonsmoking, and the result was statistically significant (aOR=2.09; CI 95%= 1.32 to 3.30; p= 0.001).

Conclusion: Smoking-adolescents, drinking parents, and drinking friends increase their likelihood of consuming alcohol.


smoking, drinking friends, alcohol consumption


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How to Cite

Hanif, I., Mardiah, A., Yolanda, R., Murti, B., & Munawaroh, S. M. (2024). Meta Analysis: Factors Affecting Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents . Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 9(4), 315–328.




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